Global Investigative Group is a licensed and insured investigative agency, dedicated to providing clients with professional services that are ethical, thorough, and cost effective. We put clients first to protect their legal rights by finding the truth.
Since 1998, we have built a reputation for providing exceptional services to attorneys, insurance companies, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and private clients worldwide. Our team of nationally recognized investigators, along with a network of global partners, allows us to handle your needs, not only in the United States but internationally as well.
We look forward to assisting you with your investigative needs.
Global Investigative Group
2655 N. Airport Rd. - POB 60753
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Toll Free: (855) 444-7448
Cell Phone: (386) 295-9500
State of Florida License: A1100267
D-U-N-S # 884582045
Global Investigative Group, LLC / Copyright 2024